Monday, June 14, 2010

What happened to my followers?

That's weird. I was tooling around with the "followers" function -- checking out who was following me, trying to follow Pitt Cohort 10 students -- and I somehow lost the collection of people following me.

Hopefully this gets restored. I would like to start engaging with other students going through the same assignments as me.


1 comment:

  1. happened to me at one point, so i logged off and ignored. later, it was back to normal.

    But then, I remember the morning google labeled itself as malware and realize that shit happens and often, it's quite funny. I think most of this happened before the US woke up, but ...

    it was fucking funny!

    btw, i still think google better than other options. I feel almost as pathetic as Apple fanbois in my love for google, but I do understand the bad shit they could do if they wanted to. Luckily they don't want to ... so far.

    If google were sold ... oh help us.
